Product Certification CE


        As we have gone through Management System Certification in our past few blogs. Lets go briefly into Product Certifications.

CE (European Conformity)

                 The letter “CE” it a shortened form of French phrase "Conformité Européene" which means European conformity . This lettering shows the product sold in EEA (European Economic Area) been tested to meet High safety , health and environment protection requirements. Its also considered as a trade passport your products for 30 Countries of EEA.

              CE- certified products can be sold and circulated throughout the entire European countries without any other national approvals. This removes significant trade difficulties. The distributors is responsible for the conformity and pattern of products manufactured outside the EU.

        For more information on CE Marking. All you need just call on 9655711335 or email us on . We are happy to help you # chooseusaddvalue .


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