Breif on CMM
Capability Maturity Model is the full form of CMM . It certifies that your company’s software process and controls Status. It has five Levels of certification CMMI LEVEL 1 - Define that process are unpredictable and no controls CMMI LEVEL 2 - Define there is a basic processes and controls available. But There is no Consistence and coordination among the departments. CMMI LEVEL 3 - Company has set a standard process and controls. Its been managed more proactively using an understanding of the interlink of the process activities and detailed measures of the process, products and services. CMMI LEVEL 4 - In addition to implementing standard processes, company has installed systems to measure the quality of those processes across projects. CMMI LEVEL 5 - Company has accomplished all of the above Levels and can now begin to see patterns in performance over time, so it can develop its processes in order to improve productivity and r...