

📌  Date: December 29, 2018, Saturday 📌  Time: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm  📌  Note: Lunch and Tea Inclusive  📌  Session fee: Rs. 999/-  📌  Venue : ENN Consultancy Training Hall, 133, 7th Street, Kongu Nagar,Ganapathy, Coimbatore - 641006 To register please call: 9894768263 ; or Send a message.

Looking for opportunities in industrial administration?

Looking for opportunities in industrial administration? Come and attend this training and get knowledge in Coimbatore! Contact us to book your seat.

Breif on CMM

Capability Maturity Model is the full form of CMM . It certifies that your company’s software process and controls Status. It has five Levels of certification CMMI LEVEL 1 -  Define that process are unpredictable and no controls CMMI LEVEL  2 - Define there is a basic processes and controls available. But There is no Consistence and coordination among the departments. CMMI LEVEL  3 - Company has set a standard process and controls. Its been managed more proactively using an understanding of the interlink of the process activities and detailed measures of the process, products and services. CMMI LEVEL  4 - In addition to implementing standard processes, company has installed systems to measure the quality of those processes across projects. CMMI LEVEL  5 - Company has accomplished all of the above Levels and can now begin to see patterns in performance over time, so it can develop its processes in order to improve productivity and r...

ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training Program

Course Features This course is designed to meet the requirement of competent  auditors  referred in ISO 19011. The course includes class room sessions coupled with syndicate group exercises to enhance delegate participation to achieve learning objectives. Course Objectives •  To enable delegates understand Key concepts in Quality Management System  auditing • To impart/enhance practical  auditing  skills to become certified  Internal   Auditor . • To enable the delegates to plan, conduct & manage QMS  internal  audits in accordance with the principles & guidance of ISO 19011. Who should attend ? • Quality executives/managers, • Management representatives, • QMS Consultants • Personnel wishing to attend higher level courses such as Lead  Auditor  courses. Course Contents • Introduction to ISO 9001, History • Overview of changes in  ISO 9001:2015 with focus on QMS ...

Transition From ISO 9001:2008 TO ISO 9001:2015

                                                       Transition From ISO 9001:2008 TO ISO 9001:2015 We are happy to inform that we have been successful in completing a consultancy assignment as we planned, fin th February transition from ISO 9001:2008 to the next version of ISO 9001:2015 standards. This company is the first company in Coimbatore to be recommended by Major CB for ISO 9001:2015 standards. This has been achieved in a record time of 2 months duration, from initiation to the end. While transiting, major conceptual changes have been addressed and incorporated, minor changes in the procedures and in the Quality Manual were made and marginal changes were done in tweaking of the system. The new concepts which have been introduced in the updated standards, include Context of the organisation,  Leadership& commitment,...

Benefits of PPAP Course

      For more information on above content. All you need just call on  9789676020  or email us       on .  We are happy to help you # chooseusaddvalue .